San Diego
The lows of high society in San Diego...

What would you expect to be exhibited behind these lofty doors of
this repository of high culture known as The Museum of Man?

The intellectual and spiritual highs of mankind perhaps?

Welcome to San Diego's Museum of Man.
Here you'll find ...

Instruments of torture!
Skull crusher used by the Spanish Inquisition!

Victims of man's inhumanity to man!
Well at least he didn't get his skull crushed
by the dreaded Inquisition!

Shrunken Heads!
The Spanish Inquisition have got something
for loose lips like yours buddy!

... it's this mediaeval muzzle used for "Female Gossip Mongers"!

... along with this delightful choker!

... and if they don't work they resorted to "the power of The Cross"!

A gasp at such measures are we?!
What is it with the Spanish?

... and The French!

... and The Chinese!

... and the noble savages!

It wasn't all doom and gloom!
There were these delightful Kachinas.

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